Meaning Bona Fide Resident
What does Bona Fide Resident mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word Bona Fide Resident. You can also add a definition of Bona Fide Resident yourself


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Bona Fide Resident

A bona fide resident refers to a person who has stayed in a particular state or country for a duration that is required by the applicable statutes or state laws. This is required for the purpose of a [..]


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Bona Fide Resident

An independent person who has continuous physical presence in the state of Nevada for a minimum of 12 consecutive months, who has no ties to any other state, and who has the intent to permanently reside in the state of Nevada. For a dependent person, the family, spouse or legal guardian must have continuous physical presence in Nevada as described [..]
Source: (offline)

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